Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Pajama Party

So we have this tradition about opening one thing before Christmas, and this year my mom made us pajama pants (to bad nobody fits in their pants! :D). But before we got to open the gifts Ricki and me were having a friendly radio competition, and once we were given our pants we decided to put both the pants and the music into a dance party (But only I danced). It's a good thing that the boys were upstairs. Ricki found the song Kick the Can -a remix of the song Can-Can- so I decided to put on Ricki's and my pants just to goof off. At first I was trying to be gangster (with the really low pants), but then I just started dancing! It's rare to see me do something like this, but we got it on video and I'm gonna put on this blog. By the way my pants are the pink ones and they're held up with my belt, and Ricki's our the green ones that don't have a belt. Enjoy!
The music wasn't loud enough for the music to be heard clearly, so sorry about that. ^_^

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter Break!!

School's finally out! And I'm glad for that. I can relax and read all the books that I borrowed from the school library. :)
But anyway now that's school's out I'll have time to post more blogs (late blogs, but blogs), and listen to Raymond complain for two weeks.... Yay... :/
I'm hoping to get a lot of reading and music playing done, but I don't know... Almost all of my Christmas shopping is done!!! :) I still want to get something for my cat Lucky. My mom says to make her a cat tower, but me + wood + carpet stuff + tools = "What the heck is that???" Needless to say I can't work with wood, but I can do other crafty stuff. And no I will not make my cat a sweater. She'd kill me... :(
I'd have my mom blog but she's to busy doing Christmas gifts, so no words from her. I'll try to get a Christmas photo, but don't hold your breath!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Stupid's Adventure!!

Me and my friend were hanging out in my room with one of my windows open. We were making the little plush peeps bungee jump with string. By the way, this window does not have a screen so it's usually closed, but for today it was wide open. Stupid decided that the breeze was really nice, so he jumped up on to the window. When I accidently brushed my hand against my guitar Stupid freaked, but I was being an idoit and thought that that was funny so I did it again. Stupid got so freaked out that he jumped out of the window and on to the roof! My friend and I began to panic, so we brought him some treats and a can of tuna to get him to come back. We soon found out that the roof was boiling hot, so Stupid wouldn't come close to us, and why he stayed in the shade. Right when I was telling my dad what had happened, I heard the clanging of the tags on Stupid's collar get louder! I looked up the stairs and the lazy, big, white cat was at the top! We ended up giving him a half a can of tuna, and later I gave him his favorite thing: a weed.
Sorry that there are no pictures of him on the roof, I was kinda freaking out...
I'm so glad my mom's in Utah right now!! :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A late but new update!!!

Sorry, I got cuaght up with homework that I forgot to say that my mom is the new PRIMARY PRESIDENT as of last sunday! I'm happy for her, but I hate having all this primary stuff in the house. I thought I left that behind when I turn 12... :/ I got a complaint that I needed more pictures, but my mom's doing errands, so I couldn't get a picture. :( sorry! The next blog WILL have PICTURES!! I promise!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hi! ~Riana~

Hi Everyone!
Since nobody will let me write about them, I'm gonna update people about me!
And sorry about the web address thing, it was the only thing I could think about. Plus I'm the editor! :)
Anyway... Life's good, but high school sucks right now. I barely have time for a life because of homework. :/ But most of my classes I like (which is rare)! I'm taking Latin for my foreign language, and that's extremely fun! I love it!
And I'm in Dance, and we're learning ballet!!! :D I love doing the leaps and the squat things (I don't know how to spell the real name of those)! We're actually working on the turns now, but the bad thing is.... My feet stick to the ground, so I can't really turn.... :( So I'm saving up to get some ballet shoes for about 10 or 15 dollars! But I still feel awkward because I'm not as lean and slender most of the girls (I have a friend who's a Russian foreign exchange student, and we're about the same on the dancing skills). But we still try unlike some of the other girls.
I'm also in Orchestra, and of course I play the violin. I'm still waiting for a cello, but first Raymond has to get a new instrument before I do. (I think someone's gonna get him a banjo because he wants to join the orchestra playing a banjo, which isn't going to happen.) Also there's another problem about instrments, I have to practice. I barely practice my violin (which is bad) and I barely practice my guitar (1. because I'm teaching myself how to play) and I never touch my ocarinas (small flute like instruments, but if you've ever played any Legend of Zelda games it's the little thing Link plays in Ocarina of Time. Plus I'm still teaching myself to play those). But I do practice my piano! Just not the songs I'm suppose to... Oh AND I'm also saving up for a small Celtic harp with 9 strings for about 45 dollars! Which will be really exciting!! :)
Wow... I wrote a lot about me... Tomorrow will be about my mom, and that'll be new and exciting! But I can't say what it is because I accidently over heard it while she was talking to her sister (Aunt Eva). Bye Now!! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Blog!

Yay! I made a blog!!!
Now I can tell the interesting stories about our family here in Texas. :)
At first I thought the someone else would do this, but my mom put me in charge of this whole thing. :/ All well! Letting family know about stuff will be easier now, hopefully. :P